Governor Pence, Fellow Governors Urge President Obama to Immediately Address Propane Shortage

Press Release

Date: Feb. 4, 2014
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Issues: Oil and Gas

Governor Mike Pence today joined fellow governors from the Midwestern Governors Association in signing a letter to President Barack Obama requesting immediate assistance to address the current propane supply shortage across the Midwest.

"Hoosiers continue to face severe propane shortages and unprecedented winter weather, with no relief from either in sight," said Governor Pence. "In recent weeks, the State of Indiana has acted decisively to alleviate the impact of this crisis on the people of this state and now encourages the federal government to take every possible action to relieve the supply shortages and ensure families, farmers, and business owners can heat their homes, barns, and businesses."

The letter calls on the entire Administration, including the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Small Business Association, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and any other relevant agencies to take any possible steps to increase propane supplies through any means of transport.

Governor Pence joins Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, and Ohio Governor John Kasich in signing the letter. The letter can be found here:

Last week, Governor Pence and Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann took action to provide assistance to Hoosiers facing the propane shortage, the impact of which has been compounded by recent extreme winter weather.
